- Railgun is one of the stratagems unlockable at level 20..
- The weapon has multiple fire modes safe and unsafe, usable by pressing R+ Right Click on PC ans Square on PS5.
- The Stratagem code for RS-422 Railgun is Down, Right, Down, Up, Left and Right.
Railgun AKA RS-422 Railgun is one of the support weapons with a Hellopod trait.
Unlike other weapons in the game, Railgun features multiple modes: Safe Mode and Unsafe Mode.
But before you can change the function, unlocking the Railgun is necessary.
Rs-422 Railgun Has Potential To Damage Heavy Armor
In Helldivers 2, the Rs-422 Railgun is a potent weapon that shoots powerful shots using magnetic force. Furthermore, it is also one of the fastest killing and best guns you can get in Helldivers 2.

Rs-422 Railgun is one of the game’s S-tier weapons with high damage capabilities. In addition, the Railgun has long-range scopes, making it perfect for precision shots in the game.
Some other S-tier weapons in Helldivers 2 are the LAS-5 Scythe Beam Rifle, the JAR-5 Dominator Rifle, and the MG-43 Machine Gun.
Similarly, the RS-422 Railgun is an experimental weapon that is best at prioritizing armor penetration.
Stats Of Rs-422 Railgun
The Rs-422 Railgun has a whopping 600 Damage, offering 60 and 120 Structural Damage in Safe and Unsafe mode, respectively.
Although the Railgun is very powerful and can penetrate through enemies’ heavy armor, it must be charged between shots.
This means players must be very careful when choosing targets while using the Railgun, as they have few chances for perfect shots.
The RS-422 Railgun call-in time is 3 seconds, so if you shoot with it, make sure the first bullet hits the enemy.
Moreover, the Railgun has unlimited uses and has a cooldown time of 480 seconds in Helldivers 2.
How To Obtain Railgun In Helldivers 2?
To obtain Railgun, players must go to the Ship management System in the under-construction area. Next, players must press E and go to the Stratagems Section.
In the stratagems section, players can browse the Patriotic Administration Center to find out the prerequisites for obtaining guns.
Players can find the stats for guns like Machine Guns, Stalwarts, Recoilless Rifles, Autocannon, Spears, etc.

Each of these guns has descriptions, stats, and stratagems traits listed in this section.
Moreover, players can also check how they can obtain certain guns in Helldivers 2 in the Strategems section.
Hence, to unlock the RS-422 Railgun players must reach at least level 20 in Helldivers 2.
Location Of Railgun In Helldivers 2
Players can find the railgun in Helldivers 2 during the mission of eliminating Brood Commander.
Furthermore, the railgun is available inside the loot boxes on the way to find the Terminid Brood Commander.

Hence, it is important to look for supplies and samples while exploring the place for any mission.
Safe And Unsafe Mode Of Railgun In Helldivers 2
While the railgun may sound just like another S-tier weapon in the game, it has a unique setting.
In Helldivers 2, many weapons have different ways to use them and come with various modes or settings.
For instance, you can change things like how fast they shoot or if they have a flashlight or scope zoom.
However, the railgun stands out among the other guns as it has only one choice: safe or unsafe.
The only option of safe or unsafe in the Railgun makes players wonder what these settings do in the game.
You can use the right mouse click + R on PC and square button on PlayStation to swap between Safe Mode and Unsafe Mode in Railgun.
Should You Use Safe Mode Or Unsafe Mode In Railgun?
While using the Railgun in Safe Mode, the gun will charge up to 50% of its power and is not susceptible to self-damage or friendly fire.
On the other hand, when you use the Railgun in unsafe mode, you can make it shoot even stronger by charging it up more than usual, up to 100% charge.
When the railgun gets charged and overpowered with unsafe mode, it explodes and kills both enemies and you. Hence, using the railgun in unsafe mode is a high-stakes gamble.
Nontheless, safe mode of the Stratagem, is quite potent as it can kill bots and bugs, but may struggle while facing mighty foes including Bile Titan and Automations.