HomeGuides"Rugged" Meaning In NYT Connections For #470

“Rugged” Meaning In NYT Connections For #470

Follow simple meaning!


  • In Today’s NYT Connections, the meaning of the word “Rugged” is terrain that is harsh, jagged, or hard to navigate.
  • The green group is related to farming or gardening, referring to small areas of land used for growing plants.
  • For Today’s puzzle, The Blue and Purple groups offered a bit more challenge, unlike the Yellow and Green groups.

The 470th edition of the New York Times Connections puzzle tasks players with organizing a set of 16 words into four distinct groups.

Players are supposed to group each word by their shared themes that are represented by a specific color.

In today’s puzzle, words like Rugged and Chip could prove tricky to categorize, as both have multiple meanings.

“Rugged” Meaning On September 23’s NYT Connections

For Today’s puzzle, The Blue and Purple groups offered a bit more challenge. However, the Yellow and Green were fairly easy for those familiar with the themes.

The word “rugged” stands out in today’s NYT Connections. It belongs to the yellow group, which focuses on words describing uneven or difficult surfaces.

Similarly, alongside words like Bumpy, Rough, and Uneven, rugged perfectly captures the idea of a tough, irregular landscape.

NYT Connections Rugged
Arranging words into groups can be tricky.

The word rugged brings to mind terrain that is harsh, jagged, or hard to navigate fitting perfectly into this category named “Not Smooth, As Terrain”.

NYT Connections Full Solution For September 23

Moving on, the Green group included Bed, Parcel, Patch, and Plot. These terms are all related to farming or gardening, referring to small areas of land used for growing plants.

NYT Connections Rugged
The yellow group is the easiest to solve.

If you’re familiar with agricultural terms, this category named “Bit Of Land For Growing” should have been easy to figure out.

Furthermore, the Blue group was a bit more interesting, featuring Chip, Rocky, Scratchy, and Stitch. These words represent characters from famous animated duos as this category was named “Member Of A Cartoon Duo”.

NYT Connections Rugged
The NYT game gets trickier to solve as you progress.

Recognizing the connection to popular cartoons like Chip and Dale or The Simpsons made this group fun but a little less obvious at first glance.

Finally, the Purple group, which is often the hardest, was centered around the phrase “___ Park,” including Amusement, National, Parallel, and South.

Arrange words into a similar category.

The four words words all fit before “Park” to form names of different types of parks, such as Amusement Park or National Park.

Moreover, the group required some thought, as the connection between the words wasn’t as immediately clear as the others. In summary, here are the groups from today’s puzzle:

  • Yellow: Tough Surfaces – Bumpy, Rough, Rugged, Uneven
  • Green: Farming Land – Bed, Parcel, Patch, Plot
  • Blue: Cartoon Duos – Chip, Rocky, Scratchy, Stitch
  • Purple: Parks – Amusement, National, Parallel, South

If you’re a regular NYT Connections player, today’s game likely didn’t give you too much trouble, but it still required some creative thinking!

Manasi is a computer science student, avid gamer, and content writer. She blends her love for gaming with her passion for tech, creating engaging articles on games and technology. Aiming to become a data scientist, she enjoys coding and exploring hardware assembly.


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