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Finding A Latin Translator In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Battle Of The Frogs And Mice Quest

Forge a truce!


  • Read the Troskowitz Chronicle to uncover Latin text and seek the Scribe for translation help in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
  • Leave the old nail in the middle oak tree to unlock the Truce achievement.
  • Return to the Bailiff, then meet either Prochek or Olbram at the pasture to complete the quest and earn the Master’s Studies I book.

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, side quests can influence the storyline and shape how players experience the game.

Certain quests and objectives can only be unlocked by completing specific side quests within the game.

Completing either the Mice side quest or the Frog side quest unlocks the Battle of the Frogs and Mice quest.

Starting The Battle Of The Frogs And Mice Side Quest

The Battle of the Frogs and Mice quest unlocks after completing the full questline in either Tachov or Zhelejov with Prochek or Olbram.

kingdom come deliverance 2 latin
Choose to side with Prochek or Olbram. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Players can choose to side with either Prochek or Olbram and confirm their choice by speaking with them.

However, speaking with the Bailiff in Troskowitz offers players an alternative option for the quest.

This will end the feud between Zhelejov and Tachov and unlock the Truce achievement.

Head over to Troskowitz and look for him; you can usually find him near the Scribe’s house.

Location Bailiff Troskowitz.
Location of the Bailiff in Troskowitz. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Interacting with him will present you with three different options, each leading to a distinct path for the quest:

  • Von Bergow would reward you
  • It’s your responsibility
  • You’d finally have some peace

Selecting the “You’d finally have some peace” option triggers a Speech skill check, convincing the Bailiff to pursue a resolution.

Bailiff in Troskowitz
The game presents you with three options. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

The Bailiff will tell you that the Troskowitz Chronicle may have useful information and allow you to read it if you have high Knowledge.

If you don’t have high Knowledge, you’ll need to sneak your way to read the Chronicle.

Read The Chronicle At The Troskowitz Rathaus

The book is located in the southeast corner of the Scribe’s house. Head in and flip through it.

Troskowitz Chronicle.
Flip through the Troskowitz Chronicle. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

At the end of the Troskowitz Chronicle, you’ll find details written in red Latin as you flip through its pages.

The line reads “Fecit, ordinem in regione ope clavi ferrei,” which is of great importance as it is highlighted in red ink.

Find A Latin Translator In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Henry doesn’t know how to read Latin and must seek out a translator.

scribe translate latin
The Scribe reads Latin. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Luckily, the Scribe in the same room can read Latin—just make sure it’s daytime for the Scribe to appear.

The phrase translates to “brought order to the region with the help of an iron nail.”

With this information, head to the pasture between Zhelejov and Tachov to investigate.

old nail
The oak tree embeds the nail. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

At the pasture, you’ll find three oak trees lined up along the path, with a nail embedded in the middle one.

To unlock the “Truce” achievement/trophy, leave the old nail embedded in the tree.

Head back to the Bailiff in Troskowitz and tell him you’ve found the boundary of the pasture.

pasture border
Inform the Bailiff that you found the border of the pasture. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Return to either Prochek or Olbram and choose to meet the other villagers at the pasture.

After a brief cutscene, speak with the Thrush to complete the mission and receive the Master’s Studies I book as a reward.

Sandesh Lohani
Sandesh Lohani
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