- A World Turned Upside Down tasks players with slaying Rey Dau, Nu Udra, and Uth Duna across various locations in Monster Hunter Wilds.
- Each monster has elemental weaknesses and inflicts harmful status effects, so players should prepare with the appropriate armor and countermeasures for each one.
- Players face the Gore Magala and Frenzied Blangonga in the final battle alongside Fabius.
Monster Hunter Wild features a variety of main and side missions, offering players numerous opportunities for exploration and adventure.
It is divided into multiple chapters, each containing a variety of quests, assignments, and hunts.
A World Turned Upside Down is part of the main missions in the fifth chapter of Monster Hunter Wild.
“A World Turned Upside Down” Quest In Monster Hunter Wilds
Players automatically unlock the quest A World Turned Upside Down after reaching Hunter Rank 35.

Talk to Olivia at Wyveria Base Camp in the Ruins of Wyveria to begin the mission.
This triggers the cutscene, after which players will receive three objectives, each involving travel to the following locations.
- Windward Plains
- Oilwell Basin
- Scarlet Forest

Players can select one of the three locations marked on the map to begin completing its objectives.
Slay Rey Dau At The Plains Base Camp
Travel to the Plains Base Camp and talk to Alma at the entrance to survey the region before heading to Kunafa.
When you arrive at the deranged village, approach Y’sai and Zatoh to trigger a dialogue cutscene.

You learn that the weather anomaly is caused by the Rey Dau, and you prepare to fight it.
Once you’re ready, head to the fields toward the marked objective, where you’ll find the Rey Dau.

Rey Dau is weak to Ice and inflicts Thunderblight, so equipping armor with Thunder Resistance is key.
Stack up on Elemental Resistance as many of its attacks are lightning-based, so players should prepare accordingly.
Players can use Flash Pods to bring down the Rey Dau when it’s flying, and Pitfall Traps are effective against it.

After performing a lightning beam attack, its horn overheats, so use Focus Strike when it does.
Slay the monster, loot its carcass for rewards, and prepare to travel to the next base camp.
Slay Nu Udra At The Basin Base Camp
Fast travel to the Basin Base Camp, follow the quest marker to find Maki, and interact with her to trigger a cutscene.

Talk to her about the Nu Udra that’s terrorizing the village, then follow the quest marker to slay the monster after the cutscene.
This monster is weak to water and inflicts Fireblight, so stocking up on provisions like Nulberry can be useful.

Using armor with Fire Resistance will also help in battle. Additionally, bring Watermoss to douse the flames.
This monster can temporarily immobilize you, but it can be easily countered by using Earplugs.
It has the ability to grab and burn you. Players can continuously use the knife attack to break free from its hold.

Once the fiery beast is slain after a long battle, loot the carcass and claim your rewards.
Furthermore, prepare to travel and complete the final objective of the A World Turned Upside Down quest in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Slay Uth Duna At The Forest Base Camp
Find Sassafrill at the entrance and talk to her when you arrive at the Forest Base Camp.

She mentions the Uth Duna causing disturbances in the forest. After the cutscene, follow the marker to locate it.
This monster is weak to Thunder and inflicts Waterblight, so try equipping armor with Water or Blight Resistance.
Prioritize attacking Uth Duna’s parts with its veils; they will fall away once it loses enough water.

This will increase the damage dealt, but it will become more agile and aggressive due to the reduced weight.
This monster can temporarily immobilize you as well, but you can easily counter it by using Earplugs.
Once Uth Duna moves to another area, players can use the Dam Rubble to inflict heavy damage on it.

Defeat the monster, and collect your rewards for slaying it, this completes an objective from the quest.
You will receive a message from Professor Fabius, asking you to meet him at Iceshards Cliffs.
Defeating Gore Magala And Frenzied Blangonga
Next, travel to the Cliffs Base Camp in Iceshards Cliffs to speak with Fabius, triggering a dialogue cutscene.

He will give players time to prepare, upgrade their gear, and purchase any necessary items before speaking to Fabius again.
You will now face the Gore Magala alongside Fabius. Players can use SOS to request support from other hunters.
This monster is weak to Fire and inflicts Frenzy Virus, an ailment that temporarily increases the damage you take if it fully infects you.

Players can counter this effect using items such as Nulberry, Hot Drink, or Antivirus.
Target the head to stop Gore Magala’s Frenzy, and break off the horns when they glow purple.
This monster is also capable of temporarily immobilizing you, but it can be easily countered by using Earplugs.

During the battle, the mission objectives will be updated, with “Slay the Frenzied Blangonga” being added.
The Frenzied Blangonga is a monster weak to Fire and Thunder and inflicts Iceblight.
It can summon other Blangos to aid it, and when enraged, it directs the entire pack at a single target.

Loot the carcasses of both monsters after defeating them to obtain valuable items.
Once both monsters are defeated, a cutscene plays, marking the end of this main mission in Monster Hunter Wilds.