HomeGuidesAll Active Codes In Roblox Easy Dungeons

All Active Codes In Roblox Easy Dungeons

Free rewards!


  • Active codes like UPDATE_4.2 and SOULGEM_REWARD_LLF77 grant players gems and gold, which can be used in the gacha store to obtain various spells in Easy Dungeons.
  • The Update 4.2 introduces AFK mode, allowing players to earn Soul Gems while inactive, along with bug fixes and adjustments to the level and EXP system.
  • Players can now purchase limited fashion items and VIP gamepass with in-game resources or Robux.

Easy Dungeons is a Roblox experience where players conquer various dungeons, battle enemies, and earn rewards.

Players can upgrade their avatars by acquiring new weapons and magic or enhancing their existing ones.

In Easy Dungeons, a variety of codes can be used to unlock and redeem exciting rewards.

Active Codes For Easy Dungeons On Roblox

With the highly anticipated Update 4.2 finally released, the game introduces several improvements and new features.

easy dungeon afk mode
The game now features an AFK mode.

AFK Mode has been introduced, enabling players to earn Soul Gems even when not actively playing.

Additionally,implementation of various bug fixes and adjusted the level and EXP system to increase EXP income.

The developers made adjustments to the VIP Gamepass and brought back Limited Fashion items, giving players more customization options.

To purchase limited fashion items or any other in-game items, players must gather resources within the game.

gamepass easy dungeons
Purchase the Gamepass using Robux.

This requires a lot of grinding through various dungeons or quests, though players can also use codes to earn rewards for free.

Currently, a few codes are available for Easy Dungeons that grant players free rewards.

  • UPDATE_4.2

Future updates will include additional codes, offering even more rewards and enhancing the gameplay experience.

How To Redeem Codes In Easy Dungeons

Players can redeem codes by navigating to the Settings option in the bottom corner of the main screen.

Redeem codes in the Settings menu.

You’ll find the Redeem option alongside the music and trade options. Players can click it to enter various codes.

Enter the active code and click “Confirm Code” for it to work, granting players free items.

Players should ensure they enter the code exactly, as it is case-sensitive, and even a minor mistake will result in an invalid code screen.

gatcha store
Obtain spells through the gacha store.

The code grants players gems and gold, which they can use in the gacha store within the game.

Players can use the gacha store to roll for different types of spells with varying rarities using gems.

Sandesh Lohani
Sandesh Lohani
Passionate about all things gaming, I specialize in delivering insightful articles that cover the latest trends, tips, and updates in the gaming world. I share tips, reviews, and news to help gamers stay updated and have more fun. Whether you're new or experienced, my articles are here to help.


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