HomeGuidesBen Folds And MC Meaning In NYT Connections For March 17, 2025...

Ben Folds And MC Meaning In NYT Connections For March 17, 2025 (#645)

Can you feel it, err.. i mean solve it!


  • Ben Folds, in today’s NYT Connections, refers to the Alternative Rock Band/ Rock Trio, Ben Folds Five.
  • MC was also part of the same Group, which meant MC5, another American Rock band.
  • Filament, Uninhibitedness, Kinds of Trucks, and Bands Minus The Number Five are the four groups for today.

Right before starting NYT Connections, I usually tend to check the difficulty of the puzzle before, to see how much brain storming requires to complete the puzzle.

Given today’s difficulty of just 2 out of 5, the game was bound to be easier than yesterday’s one, which I struggled a bit with.

In Today’s connections, I did see a usual pattern: Wyna Liu often uses the purple group, which usually lacks the remaining words/ letters, few letters are interchanged or start with specific words with random letters at the end, which helped me solve the game in less time.

Answers In Today’s NYT Connections (March 17, 2025)

After taking a scan of today’s connections, most of the words seemed familiar. So, I started with Fiber, Strand, String and Thread, thinking they would be in a group consisting of something like Thin Materials.

Starting with the most obvious picks.

Fortunately, they were. It was a decent start, but as expected, the words were in the Yellow Group (easiest one of the four), Filaments.

Ben Folds And MC Meaning In Today’s NYT Connections With Full Solution

For my next group, I chose Jackson, Ben Folds, and Maroon at the start. I was pretty sure they were part of a group related to music.

As you usually get a few letters or words missing at the end and group sorted with the help of the Prefix, I felt Maroon 5 could be part of something similar before wasting a life by picking Freedom (band) instead of MC in the group.

The group was named Band Minus The Number Five. Even though I was on the right path, I thought the group was part of Bands plus the Singers.

purple group nyt connections
The purple group was relatively easy for me.

I don’t think much explanation is needed for The Jackson 5 and Maroon 5. But, if you haven’t heard of Ben Folds Five (Formed in 1993 in the USA), it is an alternative rock band, or shall I say just a Trio, popular for hits like Philosophy and Brick.

My personal favorite from the band was and always will be Brick, and the second one will be Song For The Dumped. If you haven’t listened to anything from the trio, you can give it a try.

On the other hand, MC5 was formed in 1963, and most people consider it a very old-school rock band.

I have heard a few good things about the band, but I honestly never gave it a try except for the few top hits, and I must say the songs were great and even shared a few similarities with my favorite band: Led Zeppelin.

While I was just in the Stairway to wrap up the game, I picked Abandon, Freedom, Spontaneity, and Unrestraint, which formed the Green Group, Uninhibitedness. The word actually means to be free from restraint or inhibition.

I actually wasted another life before getting into the third group, choosing Dump instead of Spontaneity; well, that was a Dumb move.

nyt connections ben folds
Final Puzzle solution.

The last group for today was types of Trucks: Dump, Monster, Pickup, and Garbage. Well, this concludes the March 17, 2025’s connections. Here are the answers for today’s game according to the difficulty;

  • Filament (Yellow): Fiber, Strand, String, Thread
  • Uninhibitedness (Green): Abandon, Freedom, Spontaneity, Unrestraint
  • Kinds of Trucks (Blue): Dump, Garbage, Monster, Pickup
  • Bands Minus The Number Five (Purple): Ben Folds, Jackson, Maroon, MC
Anish is a gaming writer and tech expert, specializing in the intersection of gaming culture and cutting-edge technology. With a degree in Information Management, Anish offer insightful analysis and reviews on gaming hardware, software, and industry trends.


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