HomeGuidesDangerous Field Of The Pechorsk Zone In “Into The Radius”

Dangerous Field Of The Pechorsk Zone In “Into The Radius”

Are you brave enough to confront aggressive enemies?


  • Pervomay Route is entry point into the Radius, the least dangerous area, featuring lightly wooded regions and scattered buildings.
  • Bolotky Village is a hilly area with moderate challenges with more aggressive enemies and dangerous anomalies like the lethal Web Anomaly.
  • Pechorsk Castle is the most dangerous area in the game, located beneath a large floating orb.

Into the Radius is a single-player VR survival shooter set in the Pechorsk zone, a surreal landscape filled with dangerous anomalies and hostile entities.

Players must navigate this field, relying on their weapons, wits, and survival skills to gather artifacts and complete missions in Into the Radius.

Players encounter various types of anomalies such as distortion, shock, and reflector anomalies that pose significant dangers. 

Pechorsk Zone In Into the Radius And Key Filed

The Pechorsk zone is depicted as a blighted area cut off from the outside world, filled with remnants of civilization and eerie natural phenomena.

It serves as the main backdrop for the game, where players must navigate through various terrains while facing dangers from both the environment and hostile entities.

Some of the key locations within the Pechorsk Zone are:

Pervomay Route

This is the entry point in Into the Radius and features lightly wooded areas and scattered buildings.

It is considered the least dangerous field, serving as a starting ground for players to familiarize themselves with game mechanics in Into the Radius.

Pervomay Route
Pervomay Route is the entry point. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Bolotky Village

Bolotky Village is a hilly area that presents moderate challenges, featuring more aggressive enemies than the Pervomay Route.

Players will encounter armored foes, including Seekers and Mimic Commandos, particularly around the construction site with its prominent yellow crane.

The village also contains various dangerous anomalies, such as the lethal Web Anomaly, especially at night.

Scavenging for valuable resources here is essential, making Bolotky Village a critical location for both combat and exploration.

Bolotky Village
Bolotky Village is a hilly area that presents moderate challenges. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Pobeda Factory

Pobeda Factory is a key industrial field in Into the Radius, featuring expansive warehouses and production buildings that offer valuable loot opportunities.

However, it is also home to aggressive enemies like Mimic Commandos and Snipers, making careful navigation essential to avoid confrontations.

Players must employ stealth and strategy to traverse the area safely. Further, they should be wary of dangerous anomalies like the Stomper and Scythe that add to the challenges.

Pobeda Factory Into the Radius
Pobeda Factory is a key industrial field. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Kolkhoz Zarya

Kolkhoz Zarya serves as a crucial transition point in Into the Radius, linking various areas such as Bolotky Village and Pobeda Factory.

The landscape is a mix of flat plains and wooded hills. It features structures like a large village, greenhouses, and a train station that players can explore for valuable resources.

However, this area has dense enemies, including Mimic Commandoes and Mimic Hunters, making careful navigation essential to avoid confrontations.

As players prepare for the challenges ahead, Kolkhoz Zarya marks the beginning of the endgame.

transition point in Into the Radius
Kolkhoz Zarya serves as a crucial transition point. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Pechorsk Castle

Pechorsk Castle is the most dangerous area in Into the Radius, located beneath a large floating orb that dominates the skyline.

Players must prepare well with top-tier gear before entering, as the castle has numerous enemies and complex layouts.

The interior features tight corridors and open spaces, requiring strategic combat and navigation to avoid ambushes from ranged foes.

Additionally, players must compete with various anomaly fields while aiming to reach the keep at the center.

Sujita Sunam
Sujita Sunam
Greetings! Sujita is an Electronics and communication engineer exploring the intersection of technology and gaming. Join her as she delve into the latest trends, reviews, and discussions in the gaming world. Let's connect and level up together!


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