HomeGuidesFRILL And FRINGE Meaning In NYT Connections #473 For September 26

FRILL And FRINGE Meaning In NYT Connections #473 For September 26

Almost impossible without mistakes!


  • The meaning of FRILL in today’s NYT is a gathered or pleated decorative trim that falls under the DECORATIVE EDGE category.
  • The other words included in this category are FRINGE, BORDER, and TRIM, where FRINGE means a decorative border with hanging threads.
  • INCREASE IN A WAY, SPECIFICATION FOR A BARTENDER, and STRING___ are other categories in NYT Connections of September 26.

Connections is a word game from The New York Times, which contains 16 different words divided into a 4 X 4 grid.

The category of words is based on their similar meanings. The easiest group is indicated by the Yellow color, whereas the toughest group is indicated by Purple.

FRILL and FRINGE in NYT Connections of September 16 are words with multiple meanings that might complicate the game. If they belong to the same group, a further part of the game might be easy for you.

FRILL And FRINGE Category In Today’s NYT Connections

NYT Connections without any guides or hints might be complex for beginners. Today’s NYT Connections contains short but tricky words.

The first group, Yellow, groups the words like BORDER, FRILL, FRINGE, and TRIM under the DECORATIVE EDGE category.

Although FRILL has multiple meanings, in today’s NYT, the meaning refers to a strip of gathered or pleated material sewn onto a garment or a more significant piece of material such as decorative edging or ornament.

The next word, FRINGE, is a decorative border of hanging threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists used to edge clothing or material.

Both words refer to the decorative edge, the first theme of our NYT Connections for today.

fringe and frill group nyt
Pick the words that you find similar to decoration.

The second category consists of words under the theme INCREASE, IN A WAY. GROW, MOUNT, SWELL, and WAX are examples of words in this category.

second group increase in a way
The second group comprises the words meaning to increase.

Only 8 words remain now, which must be classified into two groups. You will only have 4 words left for the last group, so it’s the last category you will be sorting for.

Solution For NYT Connections September 26 #473


blue category relates to bartender
Specification for a bartender is the theme for the third category.

The final category is formed by the group of words indicating types of strings. STRING__ category includes the words BEAN, BIKINI, CHEESE, and THEORY.

The final category is indicated by purple, which reflects the last part as being the hardest.

final group indicates types of string
The final group indicates the types of string.

Here’s the summary of Today’s NYT Connection, in case you don’t wish to read the full article.

  • Decorative Edge(Yellow): BORDER, FRILL, FRINGE, TRIM
  • Increase, In A Way(Green): GROW, MOUNT, SWELL, WAX
  • Specification For A Bartender(Blue): DRY, NEAT, STRAIGHT, VIRGIN

In addition to Connections, The New York Times publishes other fun games such as Strands, Wordle, Spelling Bee, and many more.

Kumud Thakur
Kumud Thakur
Kumud Thakur is a passionate content writer with a keen interest in the gaming industry. With a background in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Kumud combines technical knowledge with a love for gaming to create engaging and informative content. Whether it's reviewing the latest games, exploring gaming trends, or providing in-depth guides. Kumud's writing is tailored to resonate with gamers of all levels. When not writing, Kumud enjoys diving into new games and exploring innovative technologies in the gaming world.


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