HomeGuidesHakari (Gambler) Evolution And Abilities In Anime Adventures

Hakari (Gambler) Evolution And Abilities In Anime Adventures

Get your hands on the Mythical unit!


  • Hakari (Gambler) is a Mythical rarity unit that can be obtained through the banner summon in Anime Adventures.
  • To evolve him into Gambler (Jackpot), players need items like Sacred Treasure and various Star Fruits, along with 7,500 unit takedowns.
  • Upon evolution, Hakari gains a 25% attack boost and unlocks two abilities, Wager with Death and Jackpot Crash.

Anime Adventures Update 20 has finally arrived, bringing thrilling new content for players to enjoy.

The latest update brings exciting new features, including new units, a new battle pass, a thrilling game mode called the Dungeon, and more.

The Shibuya update adds powerful units, such as Elyssia and Hakari, to Anime Adventures.

Obtain And Evolve Hakari (Gambler) In Anime Adventures

In the new Update 20 of Anime AdventuresHakari appears as a Mythical rarity unit.

hakari anime adventures
Hakari is classified as a Mythical rarity unit.

Hakari can be obtained through the banner summon, alongside other rare units like Ashborn and Crush.

Once you’ve obtained the Gambler, you can evolve him into Gambler (Jackpot) by evolving him using the following items:

  • Sacred Treasure x200
  • Star Fruit (Yellow) x12
  • Star Fruit (Red) x4
  • Star Fruit (Pink) x3
  • Star Fruit (Green) x
  • Star Fruit (Rainbow) x1
evolve hakari
Items needed to evolve Hakari (Gambler).

Besides the required items, players must also accumulate 7,500 takedowns with the unit to evolve it.

When evolved, the unit gains a 25% attack boost and unlocks two new abilities: Love Train and Wager with Death.

Hakira’s Abilities And Gameplay In Anime Adventures

Once evolved, Hakari starts with the passive ability Wager with Death, which, when activated, boosts his critical chance to 100%.

wage with death anime adventures
Wager with Death increases the critical rate to 100%.

In addition, the Wager with Death ability also increases other units’ critical chance by 50%.

However, players must manually activate it and wait for the bar to fill to its maximum by defeating units before using it.

The game offers a total of 3 placement slots for the unit, with each placement costing 1,200¥.

hakari anime adventures
Hakari’s placement cost is 1,200¥.

He gains two new abilities as he levels up: Jackpot Crash when he reaches level 3, and Love Train at level 6.

Jackpot Crash changes his line AOE into a circular AOE attack, where he throws jackpot machines across a large area.

evolve gambler anime adventures
Players unlock Love Train at level 6.

Unlocking Love Train increases the size of the circular AOE and allows it to attack flying units as well.

Sandesh Lohani
Sandesh Lohani
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