HomeGuidesTron And Bowl Meaning In NYT Connections For February 9 (#609)

Tron And Bowl Meaning In NYT Connections For February 9 (#609)

Perhaps a bit too easy?!


  • Tron is a 1982 American science fiction action-adventure film, with a sequel, Tron: Legacy, added to its franchise.
  • Bowl refers to a rounded dish that is generally deeper than a basin and larger than a cup, and it is placed in the green group.
  • “Massive,” “Used When Serving Soup,” “Somebody,” and “Sci-Fi Franchises” are the four categories in the February 9th NYT Connections.

The New York Times features an extensive variety of puzzle games, such as Connections, Wordle, and Strands.

Words like Pucker And Soul proved challenging to put into groups in previous days of NYT Connections.

Meanwhile, Tron And Bowl are some words that might confuse players in today’s (February 9) NYT Connections.

NYT Connections Answers For Today (February 9)

Today’s NYT Connections puzzle is one of the easier ones, featuring familiar words and groups that aren’t difficult to figure out.

February 9 NYT Connections.
Words in the February 9 NYT Connections.

As always, begin the game by analyzing the 16 given words, looking for possible connections or themes that link groups of four together.

Identifying the first group was easy, as the words were synonyms that all described something large.

yellow group nyt connections
The yellow group is the easiest among the four groups.

Named “Massive,” the first group includes words that match its theme, such as Giant, Jumbo, Monster,and Super.

Bowl Meaning In NYT Connections

As you continue, you may notice the names of kitchen utensils. Since these words share a common theme, I grouped them together.

Grouping Bowl, Ladle, Pot, and Spoon revealed the next set: the green group, titled “Used When Serving Soup.

bowl meaning nyt
Place Bowl in the green group.

Here, Bowl refers to a rounded dish that is generally deeper than a basin and larger than a cup.

Forming the second group completes half of the puzzle, leaving 8 words to be divided into two more groups.

It’s not difficult to identify four words that are synonyms from the remaining eight.

The blue group is themed “Somebody.”

Character, Individual, Party, and Person all refer to a human being or entity, so grouping them forms the blue group named “Somebody.

Meaning Of Tron In NYT Connections

Tron is a 1982 American science fiction action-adventure film, with a sequel, Tron: Legacy, added to its franchise.

Similarly, the remaining words are all the names of science fiction movie franchises.

nyt meaning tron
Place Tron in the purple group.

They all share a common theme, meaning Alien, Avatar, Dune, and Tron form the final group of today’s NYT Connections, titled “Sci-Fi Franchises.

Here is today’s final list of words and themes for NYT Connections, organized by their difficulty levels.

  • Massive (Yellow): Giant, Jumbo, Monster, Super
  • Used When Serving Soup (Green): Bowl, Ladle, Pot, Spoon
  • Somebody (Blue): Character, Individual, Party, Person
  • Sci-Fi Franchises (Purple): Alien, Avatar, Dune, Tron

Sandesh Lohani
Sandesh Lohani
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