HomeGuidesUse Automatic Irrigation in Once Human For Farming

Use Automatic Irrigation in Once Human For Farming

From boss battles to fruitful harvests.


  • To unlock the Irrigation System in Once Human, players must defeat the third boss in the Memetics tree.
  • Players need to progress to Tier 4 of the Logistics tech tree to access the Automated Irrigation system.
  • Set up a sprinkler system and adjust the water flow intensity to cater to the specific needs of different plants.

In the game Once Human, setting up an effective irrigation system is crucial for successful farming.

Significantly, unlocking and implementing the irrigation system enhances players’ farming capabilities and ensures a steady supply of vital resources.

However, the process of unlocking the irrigation system includes progressing through the Memetics tech tree, and setting up the necessary components. 

Unlock Memetics Tree For Irrigation System In Once Human

The irrigation system becomes available after defeating the third boss in the game. This is a crucial milestone that opens up further farming capabilities.

After defeating the boss, you can unlock the irrigation systems in the Memetics tree.

Specifically, you will need to progress to Tier 4 of the Logistics tech tree to access the Automatic Irrigation system.

This feature allows you to set up a sprinkler system that automatically waters your crops using Pure Water sourced from a Water Tank.

You can adjust the water flow intensity to cater to the specific needs of different plants.

Tier 4 of the Logistics tech tree
You will need to progress to Tier 4 of the Logistics tech tree. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Unlock Grow Lights

Also in Tier 4, players can unlock the Grow Lights to provide artificial light for crops during the night, ensuring they receive the necessary light for growth at all times.

Adjusting their intensity ensures your plants receive adequate light for optimal growth.

Similar to the sprinkler system, the intensity of the Grow Lights can be adjusted to meet the plants’ requirements.

 Grow Lights Once human
Unlock the Grow Lights to provide artificial light for crops. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Establish Basic Farming

Before fully utilizing the irrigation system, players should first unlock the “Planting” upgrade in the Logistics tech tree.

This allows for the placement of Loamy Soil and the planting of seeds, which is essential for starting any farming operation.

Set Up Water Collection

Players should also unlock the Rainwater Collection System to store water in a Water Tank, which can be purified using a Water Filter.

This setup guarantees a reliable supply of clean water for your irrigation needs.

Automated Irrigation system.
Access the Automatic Irrigation System. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Implementing The Irrigation System

Once you have the necessary components, with the irrigation system established, you can deploy sprinklers that automatically water crops within their range.

This automation is particularly effective when paired with Grow Lights to maintain consistent growth conditions.

Rememeber, each crop has specific requirements for water and light. Regularly check these needs by interacting with your farming plots to ensure optimal conditions for growth.

Irrigation System Not Working In Once Human

If you have not unlocked all the necessary components in the Memetics tree, including the Automated Irrigation system and Grow Lights, Irrigation System does not work properly.

Insufficient Water Supply

Make sure you have a reliable water source, such as a Water Tank filled with Pure Water from the Rainwater Collection System and Water Filter.

If the water supply runs dry, the irrigation system will stop working. Significantly, double-check that your sprinklers are properly connected to the water source.

Moreover, if the pipes are not connected correctly or have leaks, the water will not reach the sprinklers.

water source once human
Players need to have a reliable water source. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Power Issues

Ensure that your irrigation system and Grow Lights are receiving adequate power from a generator.

Without electricity, these components will not operate. Further, verify that the sprinkler intensity and Grow Light settings are adjusted to meet the water and light requirements of your crops.

If the settings are too low, the plants may not receive sufficient resources for growth.

once human irrigation
Automatic Irrigation system allows you to set up a sprinkler system. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Bugs Or Glitches

If all the above factors seem to be in order, there may be an underlying bug or glitch causing the irrigation system to malfunction.

In this case, try restarting the game or checking for any available updates that may address the issue.

Sujita Sunam
Sujita Sunam
Greetings! Sujita is an Electronics and communication engineer exploring the intersection of technology and gaming. Join her as she delve into the latest trends, reviews, and discussions in the gaming world. Let's connect and level up together!


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