- Finding the Budding Medley is one of the random quests in Wishfield: Firework Isles, and the item is located inside a complex cave.
- Players must walk through the cave until crossing a bridge-like structure to encounter an Esseling guarding the chest containing Budding Medley.
- The key to defeating the Esseling is to aim its core three time, which is revealed following each powerful attack. After unlocking Budding Medley, players can use it to craft clothings and items.
With the Firework Season in full throttle in the Infinity Nikki version 1.2, players have several exclusive quests, seasonal events, and challenges to overcome.
Moreover, the update brought a new location in Infinity Nikki, The Firework Isles, where daily and random quests provide players with exciting rewards.
One of the latest random quests in Infinity Nikki is to locate Budding Medley, hidden way inside a complex cave.
Begin The Journey At Songbreeze Highland Hillside
For the random quest in Wishfield: Firework Isles, players must locate the unique scent coming from the Budding Medley.
Moreover, the Budding Medley can be found inside a Songbreeze Cavern near the waterfall in Songbreeze Highland Hillside.
As players enter the cave, the path will be straightforward for a certain portion before reaching a cliff-like location.

Players can climb down the cave to its grounds and begin the search for the Budding Medley hiding among one of the caves’ paths.
Similarly, the cave includes several enemies that can be purified to earn extra rewards like Bling from the challenge.
Defeat Esseling To Find Budding Medley In Infinity Nikki
As players enter deeper into the cave, they’ll come across a bridge-like structure leading straight to the Budding Medley.
However, an Esseling stands between the players and the quest item. Players must start attacking the enemy to reach the Budding Medley.
Moreover, the attacks must be carefully planned, as regular attacks won’t land on the Esseling. After each powerful attack, the Esseling’s core will be revealed.

Similarly, players need to aim for the core while staying out of the purple rings in the battleground.
With 3 consecutive attacks to the Esseling’s core, its XP will gradually decrease before its elimination.
After purifying the opponent, the chest containing the Budding Medley will unlock. The item helps craft clothes and items.
Along with that, players will receive 20 Diamonds, 80 Threads of Purity, and 20k Blings for completing the random quest in Infinity Nikki.