HomeGuides"He Was Here" Dennis Quest In Once Human

“He Was Here” Dennis Quest In Once Human

Ted's unfortunate fate.


  • You should head to the No. 73 Source Extraction Point in Red Sands to start the He Was Here Quest in Once Human.
  • Once you use the elevator and reach Level B5, where you will find unusual enemies, be sure to get the Rosetta V1 Card quickly.
  • After you find Dennis, you should leave the expedition zone to complete the mission’s Part 1. You can continue the quest after the season 4 release.

Once Human offers numerous main and side quests to find out the game’s hidden lores.

Missing Dennis is one of the Story Missions in Once Human, where you must locate Dennis and Ted.

For the He Was Here quest, you should initially head to Blackfell and meet with Dennis and a few other NPCs.

He Was Here” Quest In Once Human

After you meet “Old Bones” Dennis in the Blackfell, you have to meet the Mayor, Trent, to learn about the current situation.

dennis once human hew was here
Meet Dennis in Blackfell (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

If you follow the marker, you can find the Mayor sitting in his office; ensure that you interact with him to progress.

Once again, you have to interact with another NPC, Pauline, and head to the next marker to continue the investigation.

Interact with Pauline in the cafe area. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

After heading to the marker, you should beat a couple of enemies and start the next objective: Infiltrate Rosetta’s Research Lab.

Find Rosetta’s Card and Leave The Area

You should search for an elevator and reach Level B5. You will find V and Ted talking about lost Dennis and some mysterious character.

If you follow the corridor, a new marker will unlock, which consists of the Rosetta V1 Access Card.

rosetta v1 access card
Obtain the Rosetta card. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

The locations consist of a few weird enemies, one that can’t be shot and another that can freeze when you stare at them.

Find Dennis And Ted

If you have the card, move to the next marker (Biochemical Area) and look into the enemies to freeze them for a few seconds for a tiny advantage.

A small emotional cut scene will begin, featuring Dennis and Ted, who seem to be killed by the enemies while Dennis escapes through the vents, just narrowly.

dennis once human
Dennis escapes from enemies in the cut scene. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

After the cut scene ends, you will find yourself in front of a few enemies. You should defeat them and exit the Extraction Point to complete the first part of the quest.

To complete the next part, you should defeat the Forsaken Giant, which will be available in the Season 4 Stage.

Collect Items In 73 Source Extraction Point

You should complete a few tasks before jumping to the next objective while in the extraction point.

  • Look for Mystical Crate
  • Defeat an elite enemy
  • Defeat normal enemies (20)
  • Find Weapon and Armor Crates
  • Activate Rift Anchor (2)

Defeating the normal enemies shouldn’t be an issue, as they spawn almost anywhere in the area.

To find the elite enemy (Rosetta Mechanic), you should head to the Meeting Room guarded by a few other foes.

once human elite enemy
Beat the elite enemy. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

While exploring the Research Lab, you will also encounter Weapon, Armor, and Storage Crate. For the Mystical crate, you can follow the marked icon.

You can find one of the Rift Anchors on the terrace, whereas another one is near the Laboratory.

Anish Koirala
Anish Koirala
Anish is a gaming writer and tech expert, specializing in the intersection of gaming culture and cutting-edge technology. With a degree in Information Management, Anish offer insightful analysis and reviews on gaming hardware, software, and industry trends.


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