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Keep An Eye On The Beggar To Discover His Secret In Dragon’s Dogma 2: A Beggar’s Tale Quest

Expose the deception or keep the secret for your own benefit.


  • Albert acts as a beggar by day but a noble at night in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
  • Track his movements, discover his secret, and decide how to use this information.
  • Your choices can lead to different outcomes, affecting the game’s narrative and the rewards you receive.

Albert, is the beggar, his backstory in DD2 is quite intriguing; thus, keep an eye on him.

This double life is a well-kept secret you must uncover through the side quest “A Beggar’s Tale.”

Will you expose his secret for personal gain, use the information to blackmail him, or keep his secret safe? The decision is yours.

A Beggar’s Tale Quest In Dragon’s Dogma 2

There’s A Beggar’s Tale quest in DD2, where you Keep an eye on the beggar named Albert and uncover his double life.

During the day, the beggar appears as a common beggar in Vernworth, but at night, he lives as a noble in the Common Quarter.

Vernworth DD2
The quest occurs at the Vernworth (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Therefore, you need to track his movements, discover his secret, and decide how to use this information.

However, your choices can lead to different outcomes, affecting the game’s narrative and the rewards you receive.

It’s a quest that challenges your moral compass and offers a glimpse into the game’s world’s complex social structure.

Complete A Beggar’s Tale Quest In Dragon’s Dogma 2

While using the information you collected, it may lead to different outcomes and affect the game’s narrative and the rewards you receive.

To complete the side quest “A Beggar’s Tale” in Dragon’s Dogma 2, follow these steps:

Locate The Beggar

Albert is in the central area of Vernworth, near the grand fountain, which serves as a landmark.

He’s typically surrounded by other townsfolk, making it a bit of a challenge to spot him immediately.

However, interacting with him during the day will initiate the quest and give you the first clue about his nightly activities.

keep an eye on beggar
Albert is in the central area of Vernworth, near the grand fountain  (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Keep An Eye On The Beggar

As evening approaches, Albert will start his journey from Vernworth to the slums.

Thus, you must follow him discreetly; however, ensure no one detects it to keep the quest on track.

He will enter Walter’s Tavern, where he meets with his wife, hinting at his secret life.

After the tavern, he heads to his residence in the Common Quarter, which is well-guarded and luxurious compared to his beggar persona.

Track beggar DD2
Alber will enter Walter’s Tavern and meet with his wife  (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Uncover The Truth

By observing Albert, you’ll learn that he changes into noble attire at his house, shedding his beggar’s rags.

This revelation is crucial as it shows the stark contrast between his public image and private life.

You’ll have to decide how to use this information, which can impact your relationship with various factions within the game.

Beggars garb
Beggar’s Garb is in Albert’s house (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Acquire The Grab

The Beggar’s Garb is a unique item that you’ll find in Albert’s house.

You must wait for the right moment when Albert is away to sneak in and take the garb before he notices you.

This task requires stealth and timing, as getting caught could have negative consequences.

Vilsit Hilda in DD2
You can keep the Beggar’s secret for your own benefit or use the information to blackmail him (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Make A Decision

You’ll face a moral dilemma once you have the Beggar’s Garb.

You can choose to expose Albert’s deception, keep the secret for your own benefit, or use the information to blackmail him.

Each choice will lead to different outcomes in the game, affecting the story’s progression and the rewards you might receive.

Sujita Sunam
Sujita Sunam
Greetings! Sujita is an Electronics and communication engineer exploring the intersection of technology and gaming. Join her as she delve into the latest trends, reviews, and discussions in the gaming world. Let's connect and level up together!


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