HomeGuidesTaming Croakit: A Rare Elite Challenge In World of Warcraft

Taming Croakit: A Rare Elite Challenge In World of Warcraft

Master the art of fishing and combat.


  • In WoW, Croakit is located at Stillstone Pond in the Hallowfall zone, inside a cave on the eastern side of the pond.
  • To make Croakit attackable, players must throw 10 Shadowblind Grouper at it, which can be fished from nearby pools.
  • As a Rare Elite NPC, Croakit has enhanced health and damage, making it a challenging target for players

In the world of World of Warcraft, players often seek out unique challenges and rewards such as “A Concerned Friend“.

One such opportunity presents itself in the form of Croakit, a level 80 Rare Elite NPC belonging to the Hopper/Toad family.

This special creature, found in the Hallowfall zone, is notable for its tameable nature, allowing hunters to add it to their collection of pets.

Location Of Croakit NPC In WoW

Croakit is located at Stillstone Pond in the Hallowfall zone. Players can find it in a cave on the eastern side of the pond.

Initially, Croakit is inactive and cannot be attacked. To make it attackable, players must throw 10 Shadowblind Grouper at it, which you can fish from nearby pools in the area.

As a Rare Elite, Croakit boasts enhanced health and damage compared to regular NPCs, making it a challenging target.

Croakit WoW
Croakit is located at Stillstone Pond in the Hallowfall zone. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Upon taming, it retains its original name, which is a feature shared by several special pets in the game.

Croakit has the “Gluttonous Upheaval” spell, a characteristic that distinguishes it from other pets.

This spell likely contributes to its combat effectiveness and adds an additional layer of strategy for players who choose to tame it.

Fishing in the pool
Fishing in the pools located near Stillstone Pond. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

Tame Croakit In World of Warcraft

Before attempting to tame Croakit, players need to collect Shadowblind Grouper, which are essential for activating the NPC.

Players can obtain these fish by fishing in the pools located near Stillstone Pond. Players should aim to gather at least 10 Shadowblind Grouper.

Once you have the required fish, head to Stillstone Pond, where Croakit resides. You will find the NPC in a cave on the eastern side of the pond.

To activate Croakit, players must throw the 10 Shadowblind Grouper at it. This action will render Croakit attackable, allowing players to engage in combat.

After activating Croakit, it will become hostile and players need to prepare themselves for a fight.

Tame Beast Wow
Players must use the Tame Beast ability to initiate the taming process. (Source: Screen Plays Mag)

As a level 80 Rare Elite NPC, Croakit possesses significant health and damage output, making it a challenging opponent.

Thus, ensure you have sufficient health and resources to withstand Croakit’s attacks. Healers or support classes can assist in maintaining the party’s health.

Once Croakit’s health is sufficiently low (but not killed), players must use the Tame Beast ability to initiate the taming process.

Finally, if the taming process is successful, Croakit will become a pet that retains its original name.

Sujita Sunam
Sujita Sunam
Greetings! Sujita is an Electronics and communication engineer exploring the intersection of technology and gaming. Join her as she delve into the latest trends, reviews, and discussions in the gaming world. Let's connect and level up together!


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