- Shifting Grid is a high-tier camo available exclusively on G3T_H1GH3R map, alongside Gridlocked and Synth Bust.
- You can unlock the Shifting Grid Camo by reaching the map’s top spot in under ten minutes.
- You can follow the green navigator throughout the map, but be wary of obstacles, puzzles and opponents.
Shifting Grid is one of the camos introduced in the G3T_H1GH3R multiplayer map in COD: MW3.
The map launched on July 4, 2024, which is exclusively designed for G3T_H1GH mode.
The multiplayer map featured in the season four reload update, along with new calling cards and emblem.
Shifting Grid Camo In MW3 G3T_H1GH3R Map
Players on the G3T_H1GH3R map can try unlocking animated camos, including Gridlocked, Shifting Grid, and Synth Bust Camo.
Gridlocked is probably the easiest camo to unlock, as you just have to reach the top of the map.
Meanwhile, to reach the top of the Shifting Grid, you must reach within 10 minutes, and to obtain Synth Bust Camo, you must find 12 secret coins on the map and Reach The Castle.
Tackle The Obstacles
Reaching the map’s top spot should not be an issue, but getting the job done in a limited time could be.

The new multiplayer playlist is extremely tricky due to the slope platforms, box obstacles, and puzzles throughout.

Thankfully, you will find a direction navigator to help you gradually reach the next area and unlock new checkpoints.

The map is not only filled with obstacles and puzzles, but also with dead zones, you can fall through.
Even if you fall off the map, you can start the task from the exact spot, but you will lose a crucial few seconds, especially if you are hunting the Shifting Grid.
Use The Surroundings
You should also use the floating platforms accurately and use parkour skills due to the high chance of falling from G3T_H1GH3R.
The map also includes many faster-tracking resources, such as rope lines, cubes, and ladders. As you progress, try to track the time and distance covered.

To reach the map’s top, you should reach 230m. Given the complexity of the end stage, you should try crossing the 115m mark before five minutes to unlock the camo.

The camo does feel quite unique due to the floating them, but it can be distracting, especially in multiplayer modes.
If you have completed the challenge in the required time, you can collect coins to unlock Synth Bust on your next attempt.