Strengthen The Pawn Affinity With Gifts And Traits In Dragon’s Dogma 2

Your actions determine the ending shape.

Pawns Affinity Dragon's Dogma 2
Pawn affinity in Dragons Dogma 2 is the relationship level between the player’s character and NPCs.


  • Pawn affinity in Dragon’s Dogma 2 refers to the relationship level between the player’s character and NPCs.
  • Increasing a pawns affinity can lead to different interactions and rewards.
  • You can check your pawn affinity level with certain methods.

A pawn is an AI-controlled companion designed to assist the player, known as the Arisen.

There are three types of pawns: the main pawns, support pawns, and specializations.

They are central to the gameplay, offering combat support, guidance through quests, and the ability to share experiences across different player worlds.

Pawn Affinity In Dragon’s Dogma 2: Building Relation With Companions

Pawn affinity in Dragon’s Dogma 2 refers to the relationship level between the player’s character and the game’s non-player characters (NPCs).

It is a hidden system that affects the game’s ending; increasing a pawn’s affinity can lead to different interactions and rewards.

Raising a pawn’s affinity to a high enough level can result in a blushing status, which leads to a slightly different true ending cutscene.

Pawn affinity dragons dogma 2
Increasing a pawn’s affinity can lead to different interactions and rewards (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Increase The Pawn Affinity In Dragon’s Dogma 2: Present Gifts And Interact With NPCs

Affinity and pawn specializations play significant roles in Dragon’s Dogma 2, affecting gameplay mechanics and narrative outcomes.

Building a strong understanding with NPCs and carefully choosing pawn specializations can enrich your gaming experience.

Here are some more ways to increase your pawn affinity in Dragon’s Dogma 2:


Presenting NPCs with items they favor is a swift method to strengthen bonds.

Whether it’s a healing potion or a unique treasure, these offerings can quickly endear you to them.

Presenting NPCs with items they favor strengthens bonds (Source: Screen Plays Mag).


Consistent interaction with NPCs, such as chatting and quest participation, naturally enhances your relationship with them.

Certain missions, particularly those close to the NPC’s heart, can significantly boost affinity.

Gratitude Tokens

As your affinity with NPCs grows, they may start to give you items in return.

These can include Ferrystones, which allow for fast travel; Wakestones, which can revive the dead; and Tomes for Pawn Specialization, which enhance your pawn’s abilities.

Pawn Traits

You can specialize Pawns to perform certain actions without direct orders.

For instance, a pawn with the ‘Medicant’ specialization will prioritize healing the party, while a ‘Scout’ might focus on marking valuable materials or locations on the map.

Generally, players can influence these specializations by their behavior and choices throughout the game.

talk to the guy
Specialize Pawns to perform certain actions without direct orders (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Pawn Affinity Significantly Effects Game’s Ending

In Dragon’s Dogma 2, the level of connection you develop with your pawns discreetly influences the story’s conclusion.

Hidden Affinity System: Pawns have a hidden affinity system that, when raised high enough, can change the game’s ending cutscene.

Blushing Status: If you increase your main pawn’s affinity to the point where they blush, you will unlock a slightly different true ending cutscene.

Methods To Increase Affinity: Using the barber shop boosts pawn affinity; have frequent conversations and use your main pawn during specific quests.

Cutscene Changes: When you reach the blushing status, the pawn’s greeting gestures and dialogues change, indicating a maxed-out affinity.

Check Your Pawn Affinity Level: Adventure Logbook And NPCs Behavior

There is no direct meter or numerical value displayed for affinity levels; however, there are certain methods for checking your pawn’s affinity level.

These methods will help you understand your affinity levels with the NPCs and pawns in the game.

Adventure Logbook

The Adventure Logbook records your journey and interactions but also tracks your relationships with NPCs.

Navigate the History tab to access this logbook; find a list of NPCs with whom you’ve reached the highest level of affinity.

There’s a special marker or note next to their names, signifying that you’ve developed a strong bond with them.

Adventure logbook
Adventure Logbook records your journey and interactions (Source: Screen Plays Mag).

Observe NPCs Behavior

The behavior of NPCs towards your character directly reflects the affinity you’ve built with them.

When you have fully maximized an NPC’s affinity, they will show a unique ‘blushing’ reaction when you interact.

On the other hand, if an NPC is not fully bonded with you, they will show reluctance or discomfort by trying to break free from your grasp.


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